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Folks often think their lack of training keeps them from landing a job in the tech industry, and they're right. But you don't have to rack up student debt to learn entry-level programming skills. Online training courses[1], such as the ones found in the Coding from Scratch Bootcamp Bundle, may help -- and they're just $25.

With this four-course bundle, you don't need a tech background to gain hands-on Java[2], Python, Tailwind, and Sass training. Start with "The Complete Java Masterclass: Learn Java From Scratch" to learn the basics of object-oriented programming, Java collections, and how to solve complex real-world problems with String Class and String Methods. The course also contains job interview prep, so you can best display your developer skills.

"The Complete Python Masterclass 2022: Learn Python From Scratch" teaches you the most recent versions of Python and Django, including how to use them to make full-stack web apps. It also covers using Selenium to automate social media posts, OpenCV to process videos and images, Tkinter for GUI-based Python apps, and much more. Students were delighted with both courses, rating them 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Learn how to design websites faster by using Sass to create style sheets in "Sass Course for Beginners: Learn Sass & SCSS from Scratch." The training demonstrates how to use Sass to help you write efficient, reusable code and much more. Meanwhile, "Tailwind CSS: A Modern Way to Build Websites Using CSS" covers web development and design in HTML by showing you how to build a real estate portal with an interactive, fully-responsive dashboard.

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