Satisfying search intent is a critical component of our daily SEO work. But if you're not thinking ahead to what a searcher might look for after that initial query is answered, you could be missing out.

In today's Whiteboard Friday, Ola tells you what "next search intent" is, why it's important, and how to optimize for it. 

whiteboard outlining tips for determining the intent of a searchers next query

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Video Transcription

Hi, Moz fans. I'm Ola King. I'm a user researcher here at Moz, and I'm excited to join you today for another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today I'll be talking to you about the next search intent. In a previous Whiteboard Friday, I mentioned the three bosses of SEO[1], and one of the factors that I mentioned affecting SEO are the search intents behind each and every search.

So everyone performing a search on a search engine is looking for something, and the search intent is the purpose behind that search. As an SEO, satisfying that search intent is critical to the success of your content. Britney Muller has a very in-depth Whiteboard Friday[2] on this topic already, so I'm not going to be covering that. Logan Bryant also has another topic called the hidden search intent[3]. So that's something you should check out as well. 

But today I am going to be talking about what happens after you satisfy the initial search intent, so the next search intent. 

What is next search intent? 

So what's next search intent? Well, if you're looking at search as a journey, the next search intent is the next step in a searcher's journey that is what someone would most likely be looking for next after they've completed

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