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Emily Potter, Head of Customer Success at SearchPilot, is an SEO A/B testing expert. Today, she returns as a Whiteboard Friday host to share with you the first three SEO tests you should run to kick-start your SEO testing program.

whiteboard with three SEO tests to try

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Video Transcription

Howdy, Moz. I'm Emily Potter. I'm Head of Customer Success at SearchPilot[1]. If you haven't heard of us before, SearchPilot is an A/B testing software that was built specifically for the SEO industry. We run large-scale SEO tests on enterprise websites.

Today I'm here to share with you the first three SEO tests ]that you should run to kick-start your SEO testing program. But before we get into that, there are some foundations that we need to cover first. That's how to write a strong SEO hypothesis and then how to prioritize your SEO tests.

Writing a strong hypothesis

Starting with your hypothesis, you might not think of it this way, but every SEO optimization that you're making is trying to impact one of three mechanisms, and these three mechanisms are the only way we can improve organic traffic. At SearchPilot, we call these our three core levers. 


So that's improving your organic click-through rates independent of rankings. By that I mean, yes, you can improve your organic click-through rates by going from position two to position one, but there are other ways you can do that as well. That's ways that you enhance your search results so that you stand out against search competitors, like getting rich results or rich snippets.

Ranking for

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