How I use the Git for-each-ref command for DevOps Evan "Hippy" Slatis Mon, 04/04/2022 - 03:00
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For most of today's developers, using Git is akin to breathing, in that you can't live without it. Along with version control, Git's use has even expanded in recent years into the area of GitOps, or managing and versioning configurations through Git. What a lot of users don't realize or think about is that Git tracks not only file changes for each commit but also a lot of meta-data around commits and branches. Your DevOps can leverage this data or automate IT operations using software development best practices, such as with CI/CD.

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In my case, I use an automated process (DevOps) whereby a new branch is created every time I promote an image into a downstream CI/CD environment (namespace) in Kubernetes (here is a shameless plug of my article describing the process). This allows me to modify the deployment descriptors for a particular deployment in a downstream CI/CD environment independent of the other environments and enables me to version those changes (GitOps).

I will discuss a typical scenario where a breaking bug is discovered in QA, and no one is sure which build introduced the bug. I can't and don't want to rely on image meta-data to find the branch in Git that holds the proper deployment descriptors for several reasons, especially considering I may need to search one local repository or multiple remote images.

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