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In 2021, earned media coverage is more valuable than ever for your business. Even if your brand is active on social media and your website is optimized for SEO, you're still missing out on organic traffic and customers without backlinks to your website.

With Google’s John Mueller recently weighing digital PR as a tactic that’s worth the same — if not more — effort as technical SEO, executing a proper earned media strategy is a must.


Earning media coverage can seem daunting to a PR beginner. If you've ever wondered where to get started with questions like "How do I write an effective pitch?" and "What kind of content earns press?" read on.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how my team earned top-tier press coverage and backlinks for a client in five simple steps using content marketing strategies, and how you can apply these same steps to your own brand's content.

Step 1: Ideation

When coming up with an idea for content, visualize the headlines you want to see when the content earns media attention[1]. What do you want to find out, and where do you want this content to appear?

What discussions are going on in your industry that you can contribute to? What new insights or information can you add to the conversation?

For one Fractl client, (a company that connects you with home repair professionals), we wanted to develop an idea that used data to tell a story related to home improvement.

We sought to appear on wide-reaching national publications such as the Washington Post

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