Ahead of the Galaxy S20 5G line launching, and Qualcomm's announcement that there are at least 70 devices with 5G capabilities currently in the works[1], it's a good idea to understand what you'll need to use your new phone's 5G connectivity. 

Looking over coverage maps to see whether you live somewhere with 5G coverage is only part of the equation. (Spoiler: You'll probably be disappointed[2].) You'll also need to be on one of your wireless carriers' plans that include 5G connectivity. 

Odds are, if you're on one of your carrier's current unlimited plans, you shouldn't have any issues using their 5G service. However, if you're on an older plan, you'll probably need to change to one of the plans listed below. Pricing for each plan depends on how many lines of service you have on the plan, so the prices listed below are for a single line of service. Keep in mind the price goes down as you add more lines. 

Disclosure: ZDNet may earn an affiliate commission from some of the products featured on this page. ZDNet and the author were not compensated for this independent review. 

Verizon Wireless

Verizon customers can pick between three different plans with 5G access. 

Play More Unlimited:[3] For $90 per month, you get unlimited 4G LTE with 25GB of Premium Data, unlimited 5G UWB data/mobile hotspot, and 4K video streaming. You also get 15GB of 4G LTE mobile hotspot, 720p HD streaming, and an Apple Music subscription. 

Do More Unlimited:[4] For $90 per month, you get unlimited 4G LTE with 50GB of Premium Data, unlimited 5G UWB data/mobile hotspot, and 4K video streaming. You also get 15GB of 4G LTE mobile hotspot, 480p HD streaming, an Apple Music subscription for six

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