It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform you that the father and architect of the Zilog Z8000 processor, Dr. Bernard L. Peuto, has passed. Learn more about his contributions to tech and the legacy he has left here[1].

An independent group referring to themselves as the  RaspberryPi DevTeam have launched a Kickstarter campaign[2] to help fund their efforts in porting Google’s Android 9 Pie Go stack (built for entry-level smartphones) to the Raspberry Pi 3.

LibreOffice version 6.2 is right around the corner[3] and the killer feature it will be sporting is a new tabbed layout for the menu items, making it similar to the competitive Microsoft Office suite.

Red Hat officially announced the 4.3 Beta release of the software defined Red Hat Virtualization platform[4] which has been built to virtualize both Linux and Windows workloads.

Zamir SUN and Bowen Li of the Fedora project have put together a proposal[5] to port over the beautiful Deepin Desktop Environment over to the Fedora Linux distribution.


Petros Koutoupis, LJ Editor at Large, is currently a senior platform architect at IBM for its Cloud Object Storage division (formerly Cleversafe). He is also the creator and maintainer of the RapidDisk Project. Petros has worked in the data storage industry for well over a decade and has helped pioneer the many technologies unleashed in the wild today.


  1. ^ here (
  2. ^ launched a Kickstarter campaign (
  3. ^ right around the corner (
  4. ^ Red Hat Virtualization platform (
  5. ^ put together a proposal (

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