Video: GitHub: EU copyright crackdown could hurt open-source development

The most popular open-source development site in the world is GitHub[1]. It's used by tens of millions of developers to work on over 80 million projects.

It's not just a site where people use Linus Torvalds' Git[2] open-source distributed version control system. It's also an online home for collaboration, a sandbox for testing, a launchpad for deployment, and a platform for learning new skills. The GitHub Training Team has now released an app, GitHub Learning Lab[3], so you can join the programming party.

GitHub Learning Lab is not a tutorial or webcast. It's an app that gives you a hands-on learning experience within GitHub. According to GitHub, "Our friendly bot will take you through a series of practical, fun labs that will give you the skills you need in no time--and share helpful feedback along the way."

With GitHub Learning Lab, you'll learn through issues opened by a bot in a GitHub repository. As you finish tasks, the bot will comment on your work and review your pull requests like a project collaborator would.

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If you have questions that come up while you complete a course, you can get answers in the GitHub Learning Lab Community Forum[8]

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